Catch whatever life throws at you

You and your family depend on your income. But what if you were to pass away unexpectedly? What if you become disabled or seriously ill? What if you end up in hospital? This is where life and health plans come in – to protect and support the people who depend on you.

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Your life and health matters to us

Some things are out of your control. Taking care of your family when the 'what if's' happen, is not one of them. Here's where we can help:

Frequently asked questions
Your questions answered
A hospital stay can cost more than just medical expenses. Unexpected costs, such as paying caregivers to look after your children or temporary loss of income, can ruin your finances. Metropolitan’s HealthCare CashBack Plan provides financial relief when you are hospitalised.
What is life and healthcare cover?

Life cover, or life insurance, is an insurance policy that pays out a sum of money when you die. Having a life insurance policy will ensure that your loved ones will receive a cash amount, which they can use to:

  • Replace lost income by covering household and other daily expenses.
  • Pay off debt such as a bond, vehicle finance loan or credit card.
  • Contribute towards a child’s education

While life cover takes care of your loved ones’ wellbeing when you’re no longer around, healthcare cover will help you take care of expenses because of a stay in hospital. Unlike medical aid or health insurance which typically covers the costs of medical treatments like doctors’ or hospital expenses, your healthcare plan pays out a cash amount for each day you spend in hospital.

What does a life cover plan do?

A life cover plan gives you and your family some financial stability and peace of mind when you need it most. Some of us only need protection until we stop working, while others want to be remembered by leaving a gift of money when we die; or want to help the next generation of our family build and grow a better financial future. Your circumstances are unique, and our life cover plans allow you to live your life knowing your loved ones will not be financially burdened when you can no longer provide for them.

What does a healthcare cover plan do?

A healthcare plan provides a daily cash amount for each day you spend in hospital. Our healthcare cover covers you, your immediate family and your parents. It pays double the daily benefit amount if you are admitted to ICU.

Even if you are not hospitalised, our healthcare plan’s unique benefits give you access to a doctor seven days a week. It also offers accident cover and funeral cover as optional extras while a loyalty bonus and no-claim bonus put cash back in your pocket.

What is the difference between a healthcare plan and medical aid?

A healthcare plan covers unexpected expenses that are a result of a hospital stay.

It’s not a medical aid. It’s a cash amount you can use towards paying for your everyday living costs; as well as for any unexpected expenses because of an injury or illness that result in a hospital stay. You can use the money to cover income loss, extra costs like a caregiver for your children and financial support for your family.


A medical aid helps you pay for medical costs in and out of hospital.

A medical aid covers costs for medical treatments or procedures like doctors' visits, medication, blood tests, X-rays, optometry, dentistry, and more. Each medical aid’s benefits are different, and they also differ depending on the type of plan you choose. Generally, the more the plan covers, the more you pay. No matter what level of cover you take, all medical aids must cover prescribed minimum benefits that include procedures done in hospital and chronic conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and others.

How to apply for life and healthcare cover?

Contact your financial adviser and ask them to set up time to tell you more about Metropolitan’s life and healthcare plans.

If you don’t have a Metropolitan financial adviser yet:

  • Use our chatbot on our website and a qualified financial adviser will get in touch with you.
  • Call our Service Centre on 0860 724 724 and ask the agent to arrange for a financial adviser to contact you.

Contact or visit your nearest Metropolitan branch and ask to speak to a financial adviser who can tell you more about Metropolitan’s life and healthcare plans.

What do I do if I need to make a claim on my life insurance policy?

Metropolitan’s proudly South African service centre agents can answer any questions you have. Call 0860 724 724 to speak to one of our friendly client service agents or visit one of our branches. You can also use our WhatsApp chatbot to start the claims process by sending a WhatsApp to 0860 724 724 and typing “Hi” to start the process. We’ll let you know what documents we’ll need from you.